Say goodbye to your concerns about how to create an audiobook with AUDiFYZ!

how to create an audiobook

The world of literature is a crowded marketplace. The technology revolution has given publishers a variety of ways to tell stories, present ideas, and capture readers’ imaginations. There are many readers who love the feel of a physical book, but others prefer to have a complete library on their Kindle or smartphone.

Find your happiness in an audiobook, Learn how to create an audiobook for Audible!

Audiobook creator online

Readers are flying high on audiobooks. In fact, audiobook sales are growing faster than ebooks and physical books. Nevertheless, many people shrink back from the idea because of the entanglement involved with producing an audiobook. In sooth, creating an audio version of your book is one of the elegant things you can do to boost visibility across multiple platforms.

Self-publishing audiobooks; Top 10 things to consider before you start!

Convert ebook to audiobook

Self-publishing audiobooks; Top 10 things to consider before you start! Authors have hundreds of options available to them if they wish to sell their books as e-books. Besides Amazon, B&N, and Kobo, every major online bookseller has its own portal for submitting and selling books worldwide. When it comes to digital audiobooks, things have changed […]

Create Your Own Audiobook

Create audiobook for free

Create Your Own Audiobook The market for audiobooks is in fact booming like never before. People are increasingly flocking to audiobook websites or applications. Both seasoned and aspiring authors are taking part in this new race towards adopting the new technology to spread their works. However, with the complex techniques and jargon involved, most people […]