Think Ahead – Get your audiobook now!

Audiobooks have become the most advanced formed forms of sharing content online. But to many, the complexities associated with developing an audiobook makes them turn away from the possibility. Creating an audio version of your book is one of the smartest things you can do to boost your work’s visibility across multiple spectrums. . The multitude of platforms like Audible, iTunes, Authors Republic or ACX opens new opportunities to spread your work to a larger audience who are entirely different from the common readers of hardcopies or Kindle editions. However, most people are unaware of how to create an audiobook for Audible. To understand how to create an audiobook for Audible, Audifyz provides multiple options for customization of your audiobook to be published. You can create an audiobook for your book without hiring voice talent and totally breaking your budget. In a conventional manner, recording an audiobook of your book becomes a complex task that involves several technicalities that need to be fulfilled. Those who don’t have any idea about how to create an audiobook for Audible technically will find peace using Audifyz. With Audifyz, you only need to record and upload to Audible. Audifyz is an all-in-one solution to record your audiobook and publish them.

              Audifyz supports the iOS platform as well. You can easily learn how to create an audiobook for iTunes and publish your audiobook to reach millions. Typically, you need to understand the standards for getting your audiobook on iTunes, which is generally quite complex to understand. But, with Audifyz, it doesn’t matter whether you know how to create an audiobook for iTunes. You can easily use the platform to record the audio in compliance with iTunes’ standards and publish it. To do it otherwise, you need to have a clear picture of the complex processes involved and should possess the skills to do it. Audifyz enables you to tweak certain settings and formats so that you can easily create the audiobook for iTunes. You can stop worrying about not knowing the complete process of how to create an audiobook for iTunes. Audifyz makes it an easy task so that you can create the audio version of your book seamlessly.  

              Another key choice for publishing your content is through Author’s Republic. This is a leading player in the digital content delivery eco system with the industry’s biggest B2B audiobook distribution platform. Normally, adapting your book for creating an audiobook, involves several steps. It becomes very important that you understand clearly how to create an audiobook for author’s republic. But, with the less sophisticated tools available with Audifyz, you need not bother about how to create an audiobook for author’s republic. This is the case with any other platform like ACX. Audifyz allows you to record, convert and upload your book within the stipulated standards and formats so that you needn’t worry about not knowing how to create an audiobook for ACX. Audifyz ensures A to Z solutions for converting your book into the most desired audiobook for you. You needn’t have the technical capacity or know-how on how to create an audiobook for ACX or Audible or iTunes or whatnot. Audifyz has got that covered.

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